Project: Bumps
Location: Beijing, China
Designed by SAKO Architects
“BUMPS in Beijing” is an integrated project with four residential buildings, as well as a commercial building. Traditionally, residential buildings in China are oriented south and north. With the increase in the density of the buildings, the traditional method causes buildings to be too close to each other and the rooms facing to the north can hardly get sunshine. ‘BUMPS in Beijing’ is rotated by 45 degrees from the north-south axis. This design provides optimum sunshine for each building and also creates a shortcut the way to the central business areas from different directions. Continue for more after the jump:
Location: Beijing, China
Designed by SAKO Architects
“BUMPS in Beijing” is an integrated project with four residential buildings, as well as a commercial building. Traditionally, residential buildings in China are oriented south and north. With the increase in the density of the buildings, the traditional method causes buildings to be too close to each other and the rooms facing to the north can hardly get sunshine. ‘BUMPS in Beijing’ is rotated by 45 degrees from the north-south axis. This design provides optimum sunshine for each building and also creates a shortcut the way to the central business areas from different directions. Continue for more after the jump:
Read the complete story at World Architecture News
Source | WAN