Discover the new photographic series by fashion photographer Michelle Beatty, now on display at Leman Locke hotel in London. The exhibition celebrates Michelle’s admiration of three talented women with backgrounds in ballet, modelling and choreography. Captured in the prime of their lives, they embody strength, wisdom, and feminine beauty.

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Over a period of two years, Michelle hand-selected three talented subjects with backgrounds in ballet, modelling and choreography. Yet the movements in these photographs are not dance moves or poses; they are instinctive, fluid, and intimate. Set against disparate landscapes from the two countries Michelle holds dear, from Sydney’s beaches to the British South Coast, the subjects are offset by strong skies, powerful waves and brooding clouds. – from Leman Locke

The series will remain on display until July 30 at the Leman Locke hotel in London.
See more of Michelle’s work on michellebeatty.com