Igor Iden captures the striking Embrace Yourself story for DESIGN SCENE Style Online Exclusives with showstopping styling from Fashion Stylist Valeriya Paskar. Taking the spotlight is the promising Pauline at AVANT Models who’s also a dancer and a choreographer. In charge of the makeup was Elena Sharonina with Hair Styling from Gala Kachalova.
For more of this eye-catching new story coming our way from a Moscow based team continue after the jump:
Dress & Pants Red September, Body Calzedonia, Cap Stradivarius, Earrings Diva, Shoes Prada
Jacket Svarka, Earrings Diva
Coat Red September, Top Adidas by Stella McCartney, Trousers & Shoes Zara
Tracksuit Nemnetsa, Gloves Stylist’s own, Earrings ASOS, Necklaces Stradivarius, Diva and vintage
Coat Red September, Top Adidas by Stella McCartney
Trench Coat Svarka, Belts Levi’s and Replay, Earrings vintage
Dress Katerina Koshkina, Necklace Stradivarius, Earrings Diva
Shirt & Shorts Red September, Gloves Stylist’s own, Earrings Diva
Photographer Igor Iden
Stylist Valeriya Paskar
Makeup Artist Elena Sharonina
Hair Stylist Gala Kachalova
Model Pauline from Avant Models