Fashion photographer Alexey Velikorodny captured Dissolve story exclusively for DESIGN SCENE STYLE featuring the striking Tehhi. In charge of styling were Vera Pershina and Yan Kiva. Tehhi is represented by Blow Models in Spain, and DonModels in Russia.
Discover more of the session below:
hat: Mango
roll-neck, bra: M XII
roll-neck, bra: M XII
sweater, jacket: M XII
shoes: martins
sweater, jacket: M XII
shoes: martins
hat: Mango
roll-neck, bra, shoes: M XII
pants: vintage
bra, roll-neck: M XII
sweater, jacket: M XII
Model: Tehhi at Blow Models, DonModels
Stylists: Vera Pershina, Yan Kiva
Photographer: Alexey Velikorodny – @alexeyvelikorodny1
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