Designer Giorgio Di Salvo presented United Standard‘s Spring Summer 2020 Machine Vision collection, that explores mix between beauty and technology, and the aesthetics of Technological Man, on Sunday June 16th, during the recently finished Milan Fashion Week.

“The title of the collection, MACHINE VISION, refers to the interdisciplinary scientific field that deals with how machines can be made to gain high-level understanding from the processing of digital or video images and, from an engineering perspective, the automation of tasks currently entrusted to the human visual system. Accordingly, beyond the dense interplay of aesthetic references to this field, Di Salvo has maximized the use of various forms of technological mediation to generate the design of the clothes themselves, creating a “machine vision” of the casual, military and sportswear uniform staples that dominate the collection. The collection’s unusually delicate colour palette, for example, has been achieved through the use of synthetic fibers such as Kevlar and Basalt and industrial adhesives and membranes which have all been left in their “pure”, untreated or uncoated or undyed state.

The sum result is unsettlingly intimate but glacial vision of the patterns, codes and desires imbedded in the apparently informal urban uniform of the present.“

Images Courtesy of © Karla Otto / UNITED STANDARD