Ludovic de Saint Sernin, the renowned Parisian fashion house, is set to present its Autumn Winter 2024 collection in New York City, marking its first runway show outside of Paris. Scheduled for February 11th, 2024, during New York Fashion Week (NYFW), this event signifies a major milestone in the brand’s journey.
New York holds a special significance for Ludovic de Saint Sernin, resonating deeply with the brand’s advocacy for contemporary queer culture and its history as a hub for influential cultural figures. This move is also a strategic acknowledgment of the North American market, which constitutes a significant portion of the brand’s sales revenue.
Ludovic de Saint Sernin, founder and creative director of Ludovic de Saint Sernin, says:
“Words can’t quite express how excited I am to be bringing LdSS to New York City. It’s a place that’s always held a special place in my heart. It’s always been a hub of inspiration, due to its legacy as a key location in the history of contemporary queer culture and some of today’s defining artistic movements, but also due to the incredible community that has built around the brand in the city. I’ve been travelling to New York City a fair amount over the past year and the support that we have there is immediately evident from the amount of people you see wearing the brand in the streets. It’s so touching to see that there’s such an affinity with what we do. With this show, I hope to be able to show just how much we appreciate and admire New York and the people that make it what it is. I’m incredibly grateful to WME Fashion and the CFDA for the opportunity, and am genuinely honoured to be able to share this with a sector of the LdSS community that I have so much to thank for.”