Magazine: The FT: How To Spend It Magazine
Gearing up for the coming new era in magazine publishing Financial Times is giving their How To Spend It magazine a digital form, and previews above tell us this is something very unique. The website will be publicly available on October 3rd, and its launch coincides with the 15th Anniversary of How To Spend It. The new site will carry the core values of the luxury lifestyle magazine into a highly innovative digital format. Like the magazine, the website will exude glamour, elegance and individuality, as well as holding the Financial Times’ core values of integrity and quality. Continue reading for more info and a behind the scenes video of the underwater fashion shoot seen in the previews:

Van der postings – grande dame of luxury Lucia van der Post will be rejoining the magazine as its new star columnist and posting thrice weekly updates exclusive to
·The Aesthete – a new magazine column featuring a roll call of the world’s true tastemakers will have extended interviews exclusive to
·The Reconnoisseur – daily insider intelligence from How To Spend It’s top contributors
Gift Guide – launching in November, this will be updated with glamorous and clever gifts on a daily basis
Mulitmedia – Videos of the magazine’s most visually compelling features
*Photo: Truly, Madly, Deeply: Damian Foxe creates an underwater odyssey
*Courtesy of Finacial Times