Location: Vienna, Austria
Designed by Veech Media Architecture (VMA)
Website: www.veech-vma.com
VMA´s proposal for the design of a new passive house Kindergarten building projected a vibrant touch of modernism to the outer 21st district of Vienna. The briefing called for three groups of classrooms and secondary ancillary spaces for learning, playing and group activities. The concept incorporated three tubular forms housing the central classrooms with double height glass atriums used for the group spaces with direct access to outdoor terraces and playground facilities. The multi-colored pixel glass façade augmented the strict geometry of the structure and responded to the children´s world of kaleidoscope fascination. Continue for more images after the jump:
Type: Competition
Floor Area: 1.040m²
Team: Stuart Veech, Mascha Veech-Kosmatschof, Joao Passanha, Peter Mitterer, Gregor Stolz
Consultants: Werkraum Wien
Source | Veech Media Architecture
great idea, kids will love this