Website:, the world’s largest portfolio and job search website for creative professionals, has released a major site redesign focused on enabling network-building and communication between its 125,000 members. We’re calling it Version 5, and have included some extensive image bookmarking, microblogging and profile-linking capabilities, allowing members to take advantage of the exceptional size and diversity of the Coroflot community. The new Member Gallery section lets users search the site’s 1.2 million images by specialty, tag, and keyword, and sort results by popularity, viewership and freshness. In addition, the “Me Likey” bookmarking system instantly shows viewers other members who liked a particular image, and links it to other work that impressed them. All members also now have a personal Account page with microblogging capability, updates from fellow members, featured content, and direct access to their portfolio settings and traffic statistics.
The net effect of all these improvements is a noticeably faster, smoother, more intuitive image search experience that lets members find great work they wouldn’t otherwise find. Coroflot members are making connections more easily with creative peers and potential employers, and site traffic has risen to record levels in response, reaffirming Coroflot’s position as the largest, most established, most diverse pool of professional creative talent on the Internet. |Special thanks to Coroflot editorial Director, Carl Alviani. Images above, in order from the top, by : Zelda Devon, Smith Newman, Frenjick Quesada, Kort Neumann.|