Short Film: Konrad Parol Ember
Directors: Marcin Kempski & Cz?owiek Warga
Script: Cz?owiek Warga
Director of Photography: Marcin Kempski |I Like Photo|
Editors: Marcin Kempski & Tomasz Widarski
Designer: Konrad Parol
Website: www.konradparol.com
This outstanding short film by Marcin Kempski presents the work of talented Polish fashion designer Konrad Parol and his superb men's collection Ember, click HERE to view a lookbook created for this collection, rest of the credits is after the jump.
Tailor: Rafa? Kami?ski
Models: Mateusz Farenholc |D'vision|, Filip Jankowski |AMQ Models|, Micha? Janusz |Panda Models| and Micha? S?owikowski |Rebel Models|
Production: Konrad Parol & Aga Byczot
Set Design: Bartosz Tobiasz Kujawa
Make up & Hair: Agnieszka Hodowana, Weronika Piechota
Assistant of Director: Grzegorz Skoneczny
Music: Laurent Juillet
Colorist: Marcin Kempski