Loving someone means accepting them as they are, and not trying to change them – granted! But improving someone’s style is not the same thing as wanting to change them. It means enhancing how they choose to represent themselves through helping them pick clothing items that remain true to who they are, while keeping up with some basic trends.
If you want to help your husband improve his sense of style without hurting his feelings, it’s actually quite doable and surprisingly easy. Below are some ideas to help you accomplish this subtly in such a way that he may thank you later! Guiding your husband towards a new look will not only boost his confidence, but will also give you both something to bond and have fun with.
Read more after the jump:

Do it through gifts
You will be generally expected to buy your husband presents on occasions like his birthday, your wedding anniversary, Valentine’s Day, or Christmas. You can find other excuses to include your fashion suggestions in his wardrobe, like your dating anniversary; or the date celebrating the first time you said “I love you”; or him getting a promotion at work; or a gift just because he’s awesome and you appreciate having him in your life! Get inspiration on gifts for men from notonthehighstreet and subtly give him items you think will help up his fashion game, without actually having to say it.
Go over his wardrobe together
Getting rid of clutter is a healthy habit, and can become a great activity for couples if done right. Start by going through your wardrobe and deciding on the items you will no longer wear, and let him know that you will be donating them to goodwill soon. Encourage him to do the same thing, and offer to help.
When you are going through his clothes, you might actually notice that he may realize how old or obsolete some of his items have become, and decide to replace them. As you re-organize his closet, suggest to make a list together of the new items he might want to add to his collection; go online, and show him trendy images of those items – check out the latest jeans cut, new shirt colors, and the season’s accessories or bags. Try to encourage him to look at fashion blogs or articles that include images of the latest trends, and you might be surprised at what he may be willing to try for next time he goes shopping.

Join him on his shopping trips
Not only can shop together will be a fun way to spend your weekend, but it will deliver the message that you care and want to help. Agree to take a few items into the dressing booth; half of which he picked, and half of your choices. As he tries everything on, ask him to walk out and show you. Give your opinions nicely and objectively; don’t criticize; and most importantly, try to understand why he makes his picks.
Is he looking for comfort? Does he prefer darker colors? Do loose fits make him feel more secure? Understanding his preferences will help you suggest fashionable clothing that still fits his criteria, so you can reach a middle ground. And remember to never force him to buy anything he’s not convinced with, because it will end up in the bottom of the drawer, never been worn. Instead, sell your suggestions in a way that caters to his needs.
Become his virtual fashion guide
Many men rarely have the mind space, or simply forget to check out the latest fashion trends, so why not become his guide? When you come across a trendy outfit that you like on Pinterest or Instagram, show it to him and say something like “I like how green is a trendy color this year, a green shirt like this would really bring out your eyes,” or “Have you seen these shorts that are everywhere lately? They’re fashionable and seem really comfortable, would you want to go try them on at the mall this weekend?”
The way someone dresses can be a touchy topic for many, especially if they’re already set in their ways and have found certain convenient items that they cling to for ease, familiarity and comfort. Never make negative remarks about your husband’s appearance or his clothes, instead, try to bring new trends to his attention. Buying him a fashionable gift; suggesting that he tries on a trendy item while shopping together at the mall; and simply showing him visual representations of what’s new in fashion can go a long way in slowly making him open and receptive to trying new things.
Images by Daria Sergeeva for Design SCENE