Fashion label EDWARD CRUTCHLEY presented their Spring Summer 2022 Collection on September 17th, during the ongoing London Fashion Week. One of the industry’s most experienced experts in materials, Crutchley uses his knowledge of British history, and material know-how, to create this gender non-conforming collection of 18th century inspired garments.
On Sunday Night last a Constable with proper Assistants, searched the House of Jonathan Muff, alias Miss Muff, in Black-Lyon Yard, near Whitechapel Church, where they apprehended nine male Ladies, including the Man of the House. They were secured that Night in New Prison, and Monday Morning they were examined before Justice Jackson, in Ayliff-street; John Bleak Cawlend was committed to Newgate, he being charged on Oath with committing the detestable Sin of Sodomy. – Edward Crutchley.