The Celine Homme Summer 2024 Collection, titled “Delusional Daydream,” is a blend of fashion, art, and music, conceptualized by the renowned Hedi Slimane. Following the cancellation of the men’s summer ’24 show at La Gaîté Lyrique in Paris in July 2023, Slimane creatively adapted by filming a distinctive presentation between Paris and Monaco. The scenes captured at La Gaîté Lyrique, Le Grand Rex, and the Monte-Carlo Opera Garnier featured classical ballet dancer Laurids Seidel, adding a layer of artistic depth to the collection.
This collection aligns with the soundtrack of the CELINE Women Summer ’24 La Collection de la Bibliothèque Nationale, delving into LCD Soundsystem’s influential 2005 debut album, which has left an indelible mark on indie electronic music and club scenes. Slimane’s affinity for the New York art scene is evident in this collection, drawing inspiration from his early 2000s documentation of emerging artists like Dan Colen, Terence Koh, Nate Lowman, and Dash Snow.
In July 2007, Slimane curated the “Sweet Bird of Youth” group show at Arndt & Partner in Berlin, showcasing works from prominent downtown New York artists. He continued this exploration with the “Young American” exhibition at the Foam Fotografiemuseum in Amsterdam, featuring black and white portraits of this artist generation. For the “DELUSIONAL DAYDREAM” collection, Slimane collaborated with Dash Snow’s estate to include artworks from his archive.
The collection is a homage to the New York beat of LCD Soundsystem, especially its seminal 2005 album, revisited by the vibrant current New York music scene. Slimane’s photography of this revived generation, captured post-lockdown, showcases a utopian and free artistic youth emerging from areas like “Dimes Square” to Brooklyn, signifying the resurgence of the New York scene.