Apple Calendar
Ad Agency: Serviceplan
Website: www.serviceplan.de
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" Servieplan and AOK brought this saying to life in a very attractive and tangible way: The month begins with 31 apples in a specialized tube made out of UVA and UVA resistant Plexiglas. Every day you remove one apple from the tube and eat it, thus giving boost to your health. The rest of the apples in the tube will move down and reveal today's date on a calendar fastened behind the apples. At the end of the month the tube is refilled with 31, 30 or 28 apples, and the monthly calendar behind the tube is simply replaced. Continue for more after the jump:
Ad Agency: Serviceplan
Website: www.serviceplan.de
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" Servieplan and AOK brought this saying to life in a very attractive and tangible way: The month begins with 31 apples in a specialized tube made out of UVA and UVA resistant Plexiglas. Every day you remove one apple from the tube and eat it, thus giving boost to your health. The rest of the apples in the tube will move down and reveal today's date on a calendar fastened behind the apples. At the end of the month the tube is refilled with 31, 30 or 28 apples, and the monthly calendar behind the tube is simply replaced. Continue for more after the jump:

A calendar designed to make a long-lasting impression of the AOK as not just any health insurance provider, but as a healthy health insurance provide. Ths is because the AOK's main goail is keeping its customers healthy.
The calendars hung in AOK branch offices, attracting a lot of attention and getting extremely positive reactions.