Show: Burberry Prorsum Womenswear
Season: Autumn Winter 2013.14
Chief Creative Officer: Christopher Bailey
Website: www.burberry.com
An official runway look of Burberry Prorsum‘s Autumn Winter 2013.14 Womenswear collection presented during London Fashion Week.
Discover the complete collection after the jump:

Models: Ashleigh Good, Ava Smith, Aymeline Valade, Cara Delevingne, Caroline Brasch Nielsen, Charlotte Wiggins, Edie Campbell, Elena Bartels, Iris van Berne, Joséphine Le Tutour, Jourdan Dunn, Karlie Kloss, Karmen Pedaru, Kinga Rajzak, Lara Mullen, Liu Wen, Lucy Gascoyne, Manuela Frey, Mila “Mijo” Mihaljcic, Nadja Bender, Senait Gidey, Sun Feifei, Sung Hee, Tilda Lindstam