When you travel for luxury, you tend to have different thoughts about what’s essential and what’s not. I personally think it’s worth the investment to have good quality bags, the best shoes, and fashionable attire when I travel. It makes the trip feel that much better and provides for some practical needs. Luxury travel is done for the fun and the whimsy of it, so the essentials you’ll bring will look much different than when you go on a business trip or a necessary family trip.
Travel Neck Pillow
Traveling on an airplane comes with all kinds of challenges. When you fly first class, the experience is that much more enjoyable. But no matter what section of the plane you’re in, you’ll want a great travel pillow. You need something that can support your neck and make your head feel more comfortable when you travel. You also need something that can easily fit in one of your bags and that you can put a cover on or wash easily if needed. A travel pillow is especially helpful for those long-haul and international trips.
Quality Suitcases and Bags
While getting inexpensive bags may feel good in your wallet in the short term, in the long term, cheap suitcases can become a bigger headache than they are worth. Wheels stop working, the handles won’t pull up anymore and zippers break more easily. Plus, they look cheap and generic and that’s not the point of luxury travel. It’s a good investment to find a great-looking suitcase and women’s designer bags for your trip. These quality bags will often be more comfortable and last longer than their cheap counterparts.

Your Favorite Outfit
When you’re putting together your clothes for your trip, pick your favorite outfit first. This is something you love to wear that you feel great in and that includes all your favorite accessories. Instead of simply putting in a bunch of pants, shirts, skirts, and accessories, find your favorite ensemble and pack that first. Everything else you bring can revolve around that. When you’re a travel fashionista, you pack differently. What else do you own that goes with that pair of shoes? How else can you style your favorite scarf? This will help you think through the way you’ll wear everything and leaves you extra room to bring home something new.
An Extra Bag
When you go on a luxury trip, odds are you’ll buy something new at your destination. Whether it’s new clothes, something in the duty-free section of the airport, or some delightful local souvenirs, having an extra bag with you ensures you’ll have the room you need without scrambling to find the right-sized luggage before you head back home. It also helps if you have two bags because then you can split your belongings between the two. This helps in the event the airline loses one of your bags.
Good Shoes
You don’t want cheap flats when you’re heading on a trip where you’ll be walking city streets for miles a day. A good pair of shoes will look stylish, but also give you the flexibility to walk around everywhere you go. They’ll have supportive insoles, flexible soles, and will give a little so that your feet can expand if they swell at the end of a long walking day. You don’t need to have sneakers for this unless you want them. Just be sure they are broken in before you head out on your trip.

Trip Insurance
Odds are you paid a pretty penny for that luxury trip you’re about to go on. Trip insurance can cover many different parts of it. Some types of insurance help reimburse you for the price of airline tickets or hotels. Others cover the cost of medical care when you are outside your home country. It’s important to read all the fine print to ensure you have what you need to be covered on your trip. It’s great in the event of emergencies and injuries if you cut your trip short or cancel at the last minute.
Luxury travel is so much fun. There are beautiful places to go to, extraordinary hotels with phenomenal service and amenities, and so much more. When you’re traveling for luxury, it’s important to consider all the details that will help your trip feel exciting, relaxing, and amazing.
Images from DSCENE STYLE STORIES: Off Season Guest by Oda Eide – See the full story here