Entrepreneurship and Kylie Jenner come as one, and WSJ. Magazine’s November Innovators Issue rightfully so finds her as their luminary this year. Distinguished as the “BRAND INNOVATOR of the year“, Jenner’s synergy of aesthetic flair and astute business sensibilities captures our collective imagination.
Through the lens of Cass Bird, Jenner graces one of the seven covers, each representing a luminary in their domain. The imagery is resplendent: iconic fashion mainstays like Bottega Veneta, Dolce & Gabbana, and Gucci, harmoniously juxtaposed with the audacious designs of Jenner’s nascent label, Khy. [DSCENE wrote about the launch of the label earlier this morning]

Khy, as Jenner candidly reveals to WSJ.’s executive fashion director Rory Satran, is a reflection of her own sartorial inclinations. “The whole line is really inspired by my personal wardrobe, and the different moods that I’m in,” she shares, signifying its deep-rooted personal essence. With pieces both chic and surprisingly affordable, all under $200, she elaborates on the inaugural Khy collection, describing it as very “King Kylie—who I am at my core.”

It’s not just fashion where Jenner’s voice resonates deeply. Motherhood, she confides, has been a transformative journey. “My daughter has totally taught me a lot more about myself, and seeing myself in her has changed everything,” she muses, reflecting on the shifts in her own views about beauty standards. “I’m teaching her about mistakes that I made and making sure she knows she’s just perfect exactly how she is.”
In a candid conversation, Kylie Jenner sheds light on her transformative journey through motherhood and its profound impact on her perceptions of beauty. “My daughter has totally taught me a lot more about myself, and seeing myself in her has changed everything. I’ve had so much growth and am just embracing natural beauty,” she shares. “I’m teaching her about mistakes that I made and making sure she knows she’s just perfect exactly how she is.”
These aforementioned “mistakes,” she elaborates, include choices she made at a young age. “Surgery when I was younger. I’ve never touched my face, but just even getting my breasts done when I was 19 and getting pregnant soon after, not obviously planning to be pregnant at 19. I was never insecure about myself. I actually was always super confident and loved my body. I was just having fun. I was influenced by amazing boobs and was like, that’s what I wanted to do, and had fun with it.” Now, with the wisdom of hindsight, she contemplates, “I probably just should have waited until I maybe had kids or let my body just develop.” For Jenner, motherhood is encapsulated in the aspiration of “teaching our kids to do better than us, be better versions of who we were.”

Kris Jenner, the matriarch of the clan, also weighed in on the overwhelming adoration and frenzy that surrounds her daughters. Expressing her maternal concerns, Kris shares, “I worry about the girls safety-wise,” recounting times when a simple walk turns into a spectacle with fans. “It can be very overwhelming.”
However, when it comes to the rigors and critiques of the fashion world, Kylie has a more relaxed stance. “I never get too stressed about these things because… fashion is supposed to be fun.” She keeps her worries centered on what truly matters: her children’s well-being. “I reserve my anxiety for my kids’ health, not the trappings of my glamorous job. After all, we’re playing dress-up.”
Kylie also touched upon her evolving relationship with social media, a platform that has undeniably played a significant role in her ascent to stardom. “As I grow older, I protect a lot more,” she remarks, reflecting on her past candidness online. “I think when I was younger, oh, my God, I used to post everything. That’s where I gained these hard-core fans, too, that are like family now and have grown with me. And I think just over time I guess the internet just got a little scarier maybe. And then I had children really young, which changed everything really.”
Discover more of the shoot in our gallery.

Join the world as it turns its gaze to WSJ. Magazine’s 13th annual Innovator Awards on November 1st, where Jenner, along with a coterie of culture-shaping visionaries, will be celebrated – more on WSJ.