Maurice Lacroix Never Stop Moving Winner
Website: www.mauricelacroix.com
This summer, Maurice Lacroix and Kuoni organized “Never Stop Moving” contest giving away a luxurious trip around the world. The exclusive prize attracted over 400 participants from all over the world. However, only one lucky winner had a chance to traverse the globe, experiencing the best of six world-famous cities with Kuoni’s unique travel tips and attending various art, design and fashion events. Design Scene had a chance to meet Dragana Stojkovic the winner of Never Stop Moving competition who shared with us this unique experience.

Could you introduce yourself to Design Scene readers?
I am an ordinary girl, originally from Serbia, but living and working in Italy, at University of Padova as a researcher. I studied biology, ecology, forestry and environmental sciences, so you can guess the hugest nature lover. Beside science, I also like to blog about different ecology and environment related topics on my green blog ecomiited.

Why did you apply for Never Stop Moving competition?
I applied because I love traveling, I like to take new challenges, experience unknown places and meet new people. Also, I never had opportunity to travel in such a luxurious and stylish way, so I was really curious to experience this. Last but not least, I applied because of the new gorgeous Maurice Lacroix Masterpiece watch that is now with me all the time.

In this trip, you have been to Zurich, Sydney, Maldives, Singapore, LA, Istanbul and Dusseldorf. Could you describe some of your activities and tell us which was your favorite city.
This is really difficult question that literally everybody is asking me. I don’t exaggerate at all when I say that all cities were great! The days were full of interesting activities, and although I was only around three days in every location, I think I experienced the best of the cities. In Switzerland I visited Maurice Lacroix’s manufacture d’horlogerie. In Sydney I climbed 135 meters tall, Harbour bridge and walked red carpet in Sydney Film Festival with Australian celebrities. At Maldives I was in my private paradise island, and I was snorkeling with 7 meters long whale shark. In Singapore I had the longest shopping experience, and I had my first professional photo shooting. In LA I had a tour around the hottest spots in red Cadillac. Than in Istanbul I had a full day shooting for Time Out magazine. And finally in Germany, I attended the prestigious Red Dot Design Awards. You can read more in detail about my adventures on my travel diary that I was writing during the trip at Never Stop Moving The Diary Page.

From these six destinations, whose street style did you find the most interesting?
Definitely Singapore. This city is so fashionable, and people are well dressed from early morning to the late night. On the streets of Singapore I saw the latest fashion pieces. This is not a surprise, having in mind that Singapore is shopping paradise. Only in Orchard Road you can find 800.000m2 of shops in one street, and here you can buy literally all kind of brands.

As you are green blogger, do you also follow fashion and design blogs? Which one are your favorites?
I love Design Scene, of course 🙂 This is definitely the best, and more frequently updated source of information about fashion. (Thank you Dragana!) I also like to follow fashion bloggers who post their personal outfits, but I don’t like when they are too commercial. Besides Designscene, my personal favorites are Anna Dello Russo's page, The Blonde Salad, WIWT and Sandra's Closet.
wow great win and amazing watches!
beautiful designs what a lucky girl she is
stunning detailing on those watches
i want one for ages now