A gripping apocalyptic thriller “Leave the World Behind” brings together the stellar talents of Julia Roberts, Mahershala Ali, Ethan Hawke, and Myha’la Herrold, under the direction of Sam Esmail, known for his critically acclaimed work on “Mr. Robot.” The film unravels the harrowing tale of two families caught in the throes of an inexplicable global catastrophe that disrupts the fabric of society.
Adapted from Rumaan Alam‘s best-selling novel, the narrative centers on Amanda (played by Roberts) and her husband Clay (portrayed by Hawke), who rent a luxurious home for what promises to be a tranquil weekend getaway with their children. Their search for serenity is abruptly halted when G.H. (Ali) and his daughter Ruth (Myha’la Herrold) arrive out of the blue, claiming ownership of the house and bringing with them chilling news of a widespread cyberattack.
The plot thickens as the two families are plunged into an unsettling reality where technology malfunctions in mysterious ways, and the local wildlife, particularly the deer around their Long Island refuge, begins to behave oddly, signaling a world on the brink of collapse.
Esmail weaves a narrative that thrills and also prompts a profound reckoning with our dependence on technology and the fragility of societal norms. The tension builds as the characters are forced to navigate the unknown while grappling with the ever-present question of what survival truly means in a world that is rapidly unraveling.
The film’s production is a collaborative effort between Esmail Corp, Red Om Films, and Higher Ground Productions.
Netflix subscribers can mark their calendars for December 8th, when ‘Leave the World Behind’ is set to make its global debut on the streaming platform, offering a thought-provoking and spine-tingling cinematic experience.