Designed by Christopher Sauvé
Website: www.chrissauve.com
The sweetest fashion industry gossip is the Anna Wintour gossip, in last few weeks we were able to see even the oldest Wintour rumour fill in the headlines (The Devil Wears Prada scenario), with no doubt Anna Wintour editor-in-chief of US Vogue is a fashion icon. So is it finally gonna happen? Nobody knows, but just in case you really want to show off Your Wintour support, a man behind DVFs visual direction, graphic designer / artist Christopher Sauvé made SAVE ANNA pop art, for everyone to have. “Take this graphic and make a T-shirt, bumper sticker, Facebook profile photo or poster. Together we can make a difference. We saved Britney, we can save Anna.” he says. I have to say it also looks pretty cool as an MSN display, click HERE and head over to Christopher’s website to SAVE ANNA!
love this! i got mine here:
love this! i got mine here: